I am a multimedia storyteller. Initially, my interest in storytelling transpired through photography and as a child I carried my green point and shoot camera with me everywhere. My love for analogue photography developed a few years later, and soon my little green camera was replaced by my now cherished Nikon Fg. Since these early moments of documentation, I have fostered an interest for multimedia storytelling and now communicate stories through different mediums. My interest in human behaviour and experience informs most of my work, as I wish to reflect on the layered and varied human experiences surrounding us.

about this site
I studied Multimedia Storytelling in Journalism and Media Studies at Rhodes University. This portfolio website aims to showcase some of the work I completed during my final year of my Bachelor of Journalism degree (and some of my photography outside of my degree). Through my work, I have focused on developing my skills and gaining competence in different mediums (writing, photography, audio, video and web design). During this year, my work largely has been centred on meaningful storytelling in a time of disruption. And in the second semester, I honed this focus through my capstone project.
[Finally for more content on meaningful storytelling in a time of disruption, visit my Instagram page].